Welcome to the John Carroll Family, Class of 2029!

We're thrilled to welcome you to our thriving student body as the next generation of Patriots.

This page contains step-by-step information for a seamless transition to high school and will be updated frequently, so please bookmark this page for future reference. Additional information and deadlines will be posted here as they get closer, including info on uniforms, technology, etc.

Important dates and deadlines


Refer to the email directory for answers to other questions.

Billing Portal

View your current invoice(s).

Dress Code

Please carefully review the full policy here in the Student Handbook.

Summer Enrichment

Registration coming soon for qualified incoming John Carroll Freshmen only.

2025–2026 Important Dates

View important dates.

Become a John Carroll Patriot!

The enrollment deadline was March 7; enrollment is now on a rolling basis.

Additional info.

Sign Up/Take Placement Tests

Please make note of the following placement test information.

Math Placement Test
May 6, 3:30 p.m.
Students will automatically be placed in Algebra 1 or Modified Algebra 1. If you wish to be considered for Honors or Advanced Algebra 2, you must take the Algebra placement test. Any questions should be directed to Math Department Chair Mr. Rob Torres (rtorres@johncarroll.org).

World Languages Placement Test
May 7, 3:30 p.m.
Students who have had the equivalent of one full year of a world language (French, German or Spanish) that has met daily and who wish to pursue that language while at John Carroll are encouraged to sit for the World Language placement test to qualify for honors or advanced-level language (Honors 1, Level 2, etc.). Students will be tested on both writing and speaking in that language. Any questions should be directed to World Language Department Chair Ms. Cathy Edge (cedge@johncarroll.org).

English Placement Test
May 8, 3:30 p.m.
Students who potentially qualify for Honors English based upon their HSPT scores and middle school performance are notified of qualification in their acceptance packet. These students will be notified to sit for the English placement writing test. Any questions should be directed to English Department Chair Mr. Matt Blair (mblair@johncarroll.org).

Submit forms

Complete the Legal Custody Form and upload online health forms by August 1.

Families should upload medical forms, including up-to-date physicals in Magnus Health. The Magnus Health portal opens in the summer.

Please note, all parents/guardians must complete the Legal Custody Form. Email Mary Opperhauser if you have any questions.

Mary Opperhauser
Student Services Administrator
Legal Custody Form
Attend orientations

Please make note of the following orientation dates.

May 29 & August 19: New Parent Orientation
7:00–8:30 p.m., Auditorium
Please note, these sessions are for parents only; students should not attend.

August 25–26, 8:00 a.m.–2:45 p.m.: Class of 2029 Orientation
This orientation is for students only. Students must wear uniforms and will have their yearbook photo taken on August 25.

August 26, 8:00 a.m.–2:45 p.m.: Transfer Student Orientation
This orientation is for students only. Students must wear uniforms and will have their yearbook photo taken.

August 27, 8:00 a.m.–2:45 p.m.: Classes of 2025–2027 Orientations
This orientation is for students only. Students must wear uniforms.

Submit forms

Complete the Legal Custody Form and upload online health forms by August 1.

Families should upload medical forms, including up-to-date physicals in Magnus Health. The Magnus Health portal opens in the summer.

Please note, all parents/guardians must complete the Legal Custody Form. Email Mary Opperhauser if you have any questions.

Mary Opperhauser
Student Services Administrator
Legal Custody Form
Attend the first day of school!

August 28, 8:00 a.m.–2:45 p.m.

Other tasks

Join our Facebook groups

Join The John Carroll School Parents and your class-specific group on Facebook.

Set up Remind notifications

Parents and students should sign up for Remind school-based notifications to receive important information regarding school closings and delays, as well as other select reminders.

Text @jcpatriots to 81010, then click to view a convenient reference guide to manage your notifications. Despite the prompt, there is no need to enter a school ID – as soon as you send the text you are subscribed.

You should also join your class Remind group, which receives more frequent class- and student-specific notifications.

  • Class of 2029: text @29patriots to 81010
  • Class of 2028: text @28patriots to 81010
  • Class of 2027: text @27patriots to 81010
  • Class of 2026: text @26patriots to 81010

Frequently asked questions

    School supplies, textbooks and technology

    School supplies: There is no formal school supply list. If teachers have any specific requests, they will let students know during the first week of classes.

    Textbooks: Textbooks are ordered through the eCampus Online Bookstore, opening in July.

    Technology: Laptop ordering details will be released at a later date.

    School hours and schedule

    Building hours: During the academic year, the building is open as early as 7:00 a.m. Students are welcome in the main hallway and the Patriot Café starting at that time. The building closes when the last group or team is finished for the day. Security is present on campus from 6:30 a.m.–7:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

    Academic schedule: Students follow an eight-day (A-H) cycle, with the academic day beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 2:45 p.m. On D Days, students begin classes at 9:00 a.m. and follow a modified bell schedule.

    Holidays: See the school calendar or the 2025–2026 Important Dates Calendar. Please note, the 2025–2026 Important Dates Calendar is subject to change and any revisions will be published to the website.

    Summer hours: The John Carroll School will be open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please be sure to confirm the availability of any John Carroll team member with whom you wish to meet prior to visiting

    School Calendar
    Course placements

    Our academic departments and administration review a student’s middle school grades, HSPT scores and John Carroll placement tests, if taken, to determine course placement. This information helps to create a schedule of courses that is appropriately challenging for each student. You can expect to receive an email with a list of your child’s courses in June.

    Dress Code

    View the full 2024–2025 Dress Code in the Student Handbook. Please note, the Dress Code is subject to change.

    The School revised the Dress Code Policy for the 2023–2024 school year, with incoming Freshmen and rising Sophomores and Juniors following slightly different guidelines than Seniors.

    Where to purchase: Most uniform items can be purchased at the Patriots' Corner (school store) and at Flynn & O’Hara. Uniform pants and dress shirts can be purchased through Land’s End. Girls must purchase their uniform kilts in-store.

    Student Handbook
    Drop-off, pick-up and transportation

    Drop-off and pick-up: The academic day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:45 p.m., with a 9:00 a.m. start time on D Days. The map below shows traffic patterns for drop-off and pick-up. Please allow extra time, especially at the start of the school year, as the drop-off loop can back up in the morning.

    Bus transportation: If you plan on making use of John Carroll's bus transportation service, please click the link below to find your stop and register. Space is limited.

    Bus Transportation
    Fall Athletics tryouts and physicals

    Check back in July for the link to Magnus Health for form uploads and registration. Tryouts begin in August.

      Patriot Café

      The Patriot Café serves breakfast, lunch and after-school snacks. Families can sign up for an APGFCU Campus Card, allowing students to make purchases on campus without having to carry cash.

      APGFCU Campus Cards

      Parents and students should make every effort to schedule appointments outside of school hours and ensure that students arrive to school on time and stay in school for the duration of the school day. If illness or unavoidable circumstances cause absence, late arrival or early dismissal, the School expects students to follow the summary of procedures listed below, with the full policies and procedures found in the Student Handbook.

      The School does not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences, and late arrivals and early dismissals. Students are allowed up to 10 absences each semester, not to exceed 20 per school year. Students are allowed up to 10 combined late/early dismissals each semester, not to exceed 20 per school year.

      Student Handbook