Experience growth beyond the classroom
At John Carroll, students have every opportunity to become confident, well-rounded leaders. Whether it’s developing a talent or being of service to others, students can experience growth beyond the classroom as they participate in an array of activities and clubs.
Have questions regarding clubs and student activities? Would you like to start a new club? Contact our Director of Student Activities:
Extracurricular offerings
With more than 40 different student-led clubs and activities, which will you choose? Or will you make a mark by starting a new club to add to the list?
Each year, clubs and activities reflect the diverse interests of our student body and allow students to grow together and develop meaningful life-long friendships. Students are welcome to propose new ideas for clubs and activities throughout the academic year.
Looking for honor societies?

Academic Team
The Academic Team is a group of students preparing for general knowledge trivia competitions with other schools. Group practices will increase a broad range of knowledge, foster a competitive spirit, and promote a desire to learn and improve.
Mrs. Woosley
Meeting Times:
Tuesdays, 3:00–4:30 p.m.
Room #124
Architecture, Engineering & Design Club
To provide a forum for students to experience the world of design, including architecture, engineering and related disciplines (mechanical, electrical, structural engineering; interior design; project management, etc.) including real world application, as well as college and career exploration.
Mrs. Collins
Meeting Times:
Wednesdays, 2:50–3:50 p.m.
Architecture Studio, Room #117
Chess Club
Back for the 2024–2025 school year! Learn to play or get in more practice.
Mr. Kosmides
Meeting Times:
Wednesdays, After School
Room #113
Envirothon is a county, state and national competition in which teams of five students answer questions in five major environmental science areas: aquatics, wildlife, soils, forestry and a fifth topic that changes every year. Our Envirothon Team is almost like a class because we meet every week to study all the information about the five topics that students will be tested on in the Harford County Envirothon Competition (usually in late April). We study the material through presentations, videos, games and hands-on outdoor experiences. The Envirothon Team also makes a presentation on the fifth topic (usually in February) in front of a panel of judges (this presentation is a part of the overall team score for the Harford County Envirothon Competition).
Dr. Baker
Meeting Times:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays, 2:50–3:30 p.m.
Room #220
Ethics Bowl Team
This team will prepare for the High School Mid-Atlantic Regional Ethics Bowl, a debate competition involving ethical issues, in February. The Ethics Bowl Team explores contemporary issues of the day through an ethical lens. Students will develop critical thinking skills, logical argument skills, learn about ethics and practice advocacy skills in front of event judges. Members attend the High School Ethics Bowl Competition at the University of Baltimore in February (exact date TBD).
Mr. Connolly
Meeting Times:
Wednesdays or Fridays, 3:00–4:00 p.m.
Room #220
Finance Club
Investigation of financial markets, how finances are used, student involvement in mock finance activities.
Dr. Ketchum
Meeting Times:
Fridays, 3:00 p.m.
Room #216
Future Healthcare Workers of America
Future Healthcare Workers of America (FHCWA) brings in guest speakers from various aspects of the healthcare industry to speak with students about their career, their background, their education and to answer questions students may have. The goal of FHCWA is to expose students to different career paths they may or may not have thought of, help them plan for their future, and begin to make connections in the healthcare industry.
Mrs. Adolph
Meeting Times:
Room #213
Math Club
To prepare for Math League and AMC competitions by practicing unique and challenging math problems.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick
Meeting Times:
Room #106
Mock Trial Team
To teach students how actual courtroom trials work by active participation. Students take on the role of either witnesses or lawyers and present their side of the case in front of judges and attorneys. Students learn to critically think in planning the trial and on "their feet" during the actual trials. They learn how to advocate and improve their oral communication skills. Most importantly, they learn the importance of teamwork. From a legal standpoint, students learn how trials work procedurally, learn the rules of evidence, and whatever substantive issue the case is about that particular year. The case alternates between civil and criminal cases.
Mrs. Galicki & Mr. Connolly
Meeting Times:
Mondays & Some Wednesdays, 3:00–4:30 p.m.
Room #108
Moot Court Team
Students learn how to present oral arguments before "the Supreme Court." Students learn critical thinking skills by learning about constitutional issues and how to advocate their position on appeals to judges. This is an activity that most, if not all, law students would participate in their second year of law school. Moot Court Team teaches students how the Appellate Court process works and studies constitutional issues. It encourages exploration of legal issues and advocacy skills. Members attend the High School Moot Court Competition at the University of Maryland School of Law in May.
Mr. Connolly
Meeting Times:
Wednesdays or Fridays, 3:00–4:00 p.m.
Room #108
Robotics Team
Advance student knowledge in robotics while building skills to work in a team in the VEX robotics competitions.
Dr. Davidson
Meeting Times:
Room #208
Science Olympiad Team
Competition in regional and state-wide Science Olympiad tournaments. Variety of student team events, physics, engineering, environmental science, cell biology, forensic science and many more.
Dr. Ketchum
Meeting Times:
Thursdays, 3:00 p.m.
Room #216
Speech & Debate Team
Participating in Speech & Debate gives students an improved perspective on the world around them. Students learn about important issues in politics, public policy and philosophy, and gain a better appreciation for the diverse perspectives that make up the public sphere. Students create factual/logical, ethical and emotional arguments to persuade others in the club that their "side" is correct using a formal debate format. Speech and Debate activities are challenging, competitive in nature, and require regular practice, coaching, dedication and hard work.
Mrs. Galicki
Meeting Times:
Tuesdays, 3:00 p.m.
Room #111
Faith & Ministry
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Students express their Christian Faith in a team huddle format with their peers to discuss how sports, clubs and activities can be vehicles to strengthen our relationship with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Allows for leadership building skills, opportunities to serve the greater community and grow in our faith.
Mrs. DeMennato
Meeting Times:
Wednesdays, 7:30 a.m.
Room #310
Peer Ministry, Liturgical Ministers & Worship Leaders
Peer Ministers assist the John Carroll Community in the areas of prayer and worship. Liturgical Ministers serve at Masses as Lectors/Readers, Ministers of Holy Communion, Alter Servers and Tech Crew (setting up and cleaning up Masses as well as running AV equipment during liturgies). Prayer leaders lead the John Carroll community in the daily prayer and pledge a well as prayer services throughout the year. This student leadership team is open to Juniors and Seniors. Applications open in the spring of each year and students are selected to serve throughout the following school year. Students work directly with the Director of Mission & Ministry to plan and run various events and programs throughout the year.
Deacon Goedeke
Meeting Times:
Seeking Christ Club
This club is a gathering occasion and opportunity for all individuals interested in practicing the Catholic Christian faith. The club acts as an enriching community, whose priorities include spending meaningful time reading and reflecting on the teachings of Christ, participating in other activities such as adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and group-wide prayer. This club earnestly welcomes all who are seeking Christ, regardless of faith background, and provides an open, welcoming space to do so and meet with likewise individuals. In addition to this, Seeking Christ establishes a place for fellowship and support, and for a mutual strengthening in the Catholic Christian faith.
Mr. Gadbois
Meeting Times:
Thursdays, 2:50–3:20 p.m.
Peer Ministry Office
Arts & Design
"The Patriot" Newspaper
The mission of the club is to produce the student newspaper. Sections for this year will include News, Features, Perspectives, Entertainment and Sports.
Mrs. Hall
Meeting Times:
Online and In-Person, as Needed; H Days Before School
Room #121
"The Pinnacle" Magazine
The purpose of the club is to produce the School's literary magazine which includes student submissions in photography, art, poetry and prose. Submission call through email.
Mrs. Hall
Meeting Times:
H Days, Before School
Room #121
Art Club
A space for students to explore a variety of different art forms, strengthen current skills and connect with their peers through art.
Mr. O'Reilly
Meeting Times:
Tuesdays, 3:00–4:00 p.m.
Art Studio, Room #120
Audition Prep Club
The Audition Prep Club is for any John Carroll thespian looking to prepare a theatre audition for college program acceptance or festival adjudication. Club days will focus on audition techniques and allow for a space to rehearse/perform audition pieces in front of a group of peers and the club moderator. If there is a large enough group wishing to prepare a one-act play for adjudication at the MD Thespian Festival, a portion of the club time will be dedicated to producing and rehearsing the play.
Mrs. Parrish
Meeting Times:
D Days & Select Fridays, 2:55–3:40 p.m.
Chorus Room
Color Guard Club
Color Guard is a marching arts activity that incorporates the use of flags, prop rifles, prop sabres and other props with drama, dance and interpretive movement to enhance musical performance, elicit emotion and engage audiences in storytelling.
Mr. Nocket
Meeting Times:
TBD; 2-3x per week
Band Room & The Glen
Digital Media Club
The Digital Media Club, formerly Patriot Productions, focuses on capturing school events for social media and communications using still and video cameras — and a drone! Our members are passionate about photography and videography, and are eager to use their skills to capture exciting moments and showcase the School's activities in an innovative way. We aim to combine creative storytelling with technology to create dynamic visuals that capture the spirit of the School. Through our work, we strive to create a lasting record of school events and promote the School.
Mrs. Gay
Meeting Times:
Thursdays, 3:00 p.m.
Advancement Office
Marching Band
Students who are not enrolled in band class but who would like to participate in the marching band may join as club members. We attend all home football games and do two Christmas parades.
Mrs. Novak
Meeting Times:
Meet daily for a class time as well as a week-long band camp
Music Ministry
Prepare and perform/lead the student body in Mass music.
Mrs. Parrish
Meeting Times:
Mass Days, 9:40–11:40 a.m.
Upper Gym
Music Service Club
The Music Service Club (MSC) is open to any student enrolled in a music course who enjoys doing community service projects. The MSC will create locker decorations for the marching band, collect supplies for Anna's house, work incoming student events that need music representation, help with audition days and more. The MSC is a great stepping stone for students who are interested in the Tri-M Music Honor Society.
Mrs. Parrish
Meeting Times:
One Friday a Month, 3:00–3:30 p.m.
Photography Club
Develop students' skills as photographers, engage with new editing programs and learn to work with other organizations in the School.
Mrs. Hall
Meeting Times:
2nd & 4th Tuesday of Each Month
Room #121
Pit Orchestra
Pit orchestra is a group of student-musicians who put their music-playing skills to the test and learn to accompany live theatrical performances.
Mrs. Parrish
Meeting Times:
Weekdays, 4:00-7:00 p.m; some weekend rehearsals
Set & Tech Crew
Set and tech crews support the Fall and Spring Musical productions
Mrs. Parrish & Mr. Lake
Meeting Times:
1-2x per week in October, November, February and March; all tech week rehearsals and performances (weekdays, 4:00–7:00 p.m.); some weekend rehearsals required; attendance at weekend performances is mandatory
Theatre Productions
Students get to experience theatre from audition to performance. Students develop skills in singing, dancing and acting while having lots of fun.
Mr. Hensley and Mrs. Parrish
Meeting Times:
Weekdays, 4:00–7:00 p.m.; some weekend rehearsals required
Thespians Club
The Thespians Club is open to any student with an interest in theatre. Students in the Thespians Club will have first access to all Theatre Department news, information, filed trips and audition announcements. Club members also participate in social events and provide support for the Fall and Spring Musicals in various ways throughout the year. Additionally, this club supports students in the preparation for ITS (International Thespian Society) eligibility.
Mrs. Parrish
Meeting Times:
D Days, Junior/Senior Lunch Mods/Mod 7 (officers only); Fridays, 3:20 p.m. (full club)
Chorus Room
Fitness & Outdoors
Green Team
The Green Team and its ambassadors provide activities and events that foster environmental stewardship, primarily on campus.
Ms. Cochran
Meeting Times:
Tuesdays, 2:45 p.m.
Room #215
Morgan's Message
Thee purpose of Morgan’s Message is to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health within the student-athlete community and equalize the treatment of physical and mental health in athletics. We discuss how important mental health is, specifically in athletics, and how to deal with/help others who are struggling.
Mrs. Zuniga
Meeting Times:
C Days, 7:15 a.m.
Learning Commons
Mountain Bike Club
Do you love riding your bicycle or are you someone who rides a little but wants more practice? Come and join the mountain bike club! All interested students and faculty are welcome!
Mr. Grzanna
Meeting Times:
Wednesdays, After School; Weekends
Room #213
Pickleball Club
Students will participate in playing the game of pickleball with classmates who share the similar passion of the game. Since this is a growing hobby, we hope to play other schools who also have a Pickleball Club.
Ms. Roy
Meeting Times:
TBD, based on Athletics schedule and location availability
Lower Gym or Tennis Courts
Sports Medicine Club
The club allows students to explore careers in sports medicine and assist the Athletic Trainers in day-to-day duties.
Mr. Fabriziani
Meeting Times:
Varies based on Athletics schedules, 3:00 p.m.
Athletic Training Room
Wellness Walking Club
The Wellness Walking Club gives students the opportunity to walk with others in a group setting, meet new people and create relationships with others while being active. Each Wednesday we will walk for 30 minutes, and club members will help keep pace and achieve fitness goals together. Walking is a type of physical activity that benefits all ages at all stages of life, is a great way to burn calories and increase muscle tone. It also helps manage stress and has been proven to help manage anxiety and depression. Students and adults may both join!
Mrs. Still
Meeting Times:
Wednesdays, 2:45–3:15 p.m.
Health Room
Yoga Club
Looking to de-stress, improve flexibility and strengthen your mind and body? Give yoga a try! No experience necessary — all you need is a mat. Practices will be led by faculty and staff who are also registered yoga teachers and will take place in various locations around campus.
Mrs. Walsh
Meeting Times:
Zumba Club
This fun dance fitness combines high energy and uplifting Latin music with easy-to-follow moves. Zumba promotes a healthy heart, healthy dose of aerobic activity and fun, exciting way to build and tone muscle, improve cardio, promote flexibility and decrease stress.
Mrs. Pinargotte
Meeting Times:
Fridays, 3:00-3:30 p.m.
Room #107
Service & Activism
Black Student Union
The Black Student Union (BSU) is a vibrant and inclusive organization dedicated to celebrating and promoting Black culture, history and achievement on campus. Through variety of events, discussions and community outreach initiatives, the BSU provides a safe space for Black students to connect, support one another and advocate for social justice.
Mrs. Crawford
Meeting Times:
Every Second D Day of the Month, 3:00-3:30 p.m.
Mrs. Crawford's Office (Student Services Hallway)
Global Culture Club
A fun club for everyone to learn about different cultures and traditions around the world.
Mr. Grzanna
Meeting Times:
Thursdays, After School
Room #213
One Love Club
To encourage daily conversations about relationships and gain an understanding of the 10 signs. We do this by sharing the ways the 10 signs may show up in life, and by engaging the community through education, activation and fundraising.
Mrs. Giuffrida
Meeting Times:
B Days, 2:50 p.m.
Room #314
Patriots 4 Kids
To lift the spirits of children in Upper Chesapeake Pediatrics Unit through service projects.
Mrs. Everett
Meeting Times:
1–2x Month (varies), 2:50 p.m.
Romero Service Club
The Romero Service Club provides students with opportunities to come together to make a meaningful impact in our community. Through a variety of hands-on projects and initiatives, we work to support and uplift those in need.
Mrs. Brown
Meeting Times:
Varies, After School
Student Government Association
The SGA has a few basic missions: (1) serving as student leaders (2) planning and implementing class and school wide events (3) meeting with administration regarding school concerns
Mrs. Hall and Dr. Davidson
Meeting Times:
E Days, 7:15 a.m.
Room #121
Women's Empowerment Club
To empower both female and male students to their fullest potential. The club will work on various activities throughout the year, including speakers, drives, projects, etc.
Mrs. Adolph
Meeting Times:
D Days, After School
Room #222